Use oranges to grow your hair!

Hello family! 😊

I’m here to tell you that the common orange can and will grow your hair. Sounds too good to be true right? Let me explain: the cause of your hair issues is due to acidosis, which means that the body is highly acidic and the acids from the food you’re eating (the milk, the animal products, the starches). The acids have accumulated to such an extent that it's begun to burn tissue from organs and hair follicles. Therefore, your hair falls, and this is why you see dandruff.

This of this like chemotherapy. When people undergo chemo, their hair falls. What is chemo? Chemotherapy is literally feeding your body battery acid. When you consume acidic foods, it will over time have the same effect. When you see you’re losing your hair, it means that the acids you are consuming are catching up to you. You want to make the switch from an acidic diet to an alkaline diet by eating fruits breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Fruits are highly astringent; it is very powerful. They will move the lymphatic system, they clean the kidneys out, they'll get your blood flowing properly, and they’ll fix almost everything in the body that needs fixing. Give yourself a chance and your hair is gonna thank you for this. Your skin will be glowing, and you’ll have the best health of your life!

Questions? Comments? Leave them for me! 😊

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