“How long until I see results from my detox?” - the most frequently asked question I receive.

Here’s the thing: I cannot give you an exact timeline for your detox because each body is different so the detox process will be different and specific to each person depending on their health going into the detox.

The good news is that you can see and FEEL the changes in your body. You won’t need anybody to tell you when you will reach your health goals because you will literally feel your detox success in each of your cells. You will be able to see and feel the vibrancy and electric energy the live fruits are giving you from the first day of your detox. Even if you’re deeply backed up and acidic, you will still see positive changes on the first day. Even if you experience a healing crisis, this is still progress!

Don’t dwell on “how long” it will take. Take your time and enjoy the healing process of your detox journey. You will be rewarded for your patience with the benefits of great health, vitality, and wellness.


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